COMPASS Index Q2 2024 - Watch and Jewelry

The COMPASS Index for Q2 2024 helps uncover the marketing impact across key social media channels in China for luxury and premium fashion brands.

Based on data from both Brand Generated Content (official accounts) as well as User Generated Content (organic mentions and engagements), the index covers WeChat, Douyin, Little Red Book (Xiaohongshu) and Weibo.

The index is a helpful guide to see which brands have invested in, and in turn had success in their digital marketing relative to other luxury benchmarks and brands.

In the Watch and Jewelry category the quarter started off with Watches and Wonders making a return to Geneva. This year the response in China was a little more muted, although some brands were able to drive engagement.

Outside of the event, and across the wider category, there has been a collection of celebrity signings that drove brand uplift.

Who were the biggest movers in the category?

Chaumet – at the end of Q1, Chaumet released a teaser for their new ambassador, and at the start of Q2 it was revealed to be Yu Shi – he became a feature of the brand throughout the quarter, with their 5.20 campaign resonating.

Tudor – prior to this quarter, the Rolex owned brand had next to no mainstream presence in China, but their signing of Cheng Yi changed all that generating huge uplifts in engagement, followings and organic coverage. Ranked at #5, can the brand continue to build its China presence.

Chopard – combining watches and wonders and further building their Ice Cube collection, Chopard ranks in at #6, up 8 places. Further building their China relevance, they signed Liu Yu as friend of the brand (who also featured for Ferragamo this quarter).

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